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Due diligence
Financial due diligence, assistance in tax, legal and operational due diligence.

During due diligence procedure team performs comprehensive analysis of all or some certain aspects of business activities. Necessary and sufficient level of analysis is determined by its objectives. Due diligence can include such steps as:

  • Business valuation. team performs business valuation using various methods depending on the options for its future use.
  • Financial and tax accounting system assessment. At this stage financial analysis of the company’s activities is carried out, tax risks and rewards are determined.
  • Legal risks assessment. Legal analysis is aimed at the company's charter documents, legal and administrative aspects of its activities.

As a rule, all stages are carried out by our specialists in parallel, which allows for optimizing delivery process and reducing time for service rendering.

Due diligence helps to examine an investment object for purchase thoroughly, evaluate its effectiveness, analyze risks and ways of their minimization.

Besides the report on due diligence results and conclusions there can be additional results of due diligence such as business evaluation report, investment proposal, the company's business plan, which allow an investor to conclude whether an investment is economically justified.

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